One summer evening we were sitting in the bleachers at the I-5 Speedway near Alexander, Arkansas. That’s one of the best dirt tracks for auto racing in the Southeast. During an intermission between races I heard the announcer say, “Bla, Bla, Bla…….. Mary Ballad and her children suffered a fire and lost all their furniture. If you have any extra household furniture and want to donate just come to the office. Leave your name and phone number.”
I was thinking that would help me get rid of some of that old furniture that renters leave in our mobile home park. Finding a home for abandoned furniture was high on my list. I hate to throw away something that could be used. I was new to the ownership of a mobile home park and I wanted the grounds to look good. A pile of unwanted household goods was not very attractive. The park had belonged to mother and dad who left the earth realm a few months ago. During their two year sickness they had let it run down.
house on fire is karma?
Born at Little Rock, I traveled all over the US and also in Central and South America before coming back home to care for my sick parents. Both had cancer and were in their 70’s. I thought I came back to “heal” them with various alternative medicine remedies, but that wasn’t an option. I soon found out they were “having a race” to see who would leave third dimension first. They had been real close together all those 50 years and neither wanted to be left behind. My mission with them became one of helping them leave instead of stay. They left their bodies within two months of each other and I was left with the mobile home park to fix up.
A few days after leaving my name at the I-30 race track, Mary the lady who had the fire, arrived with a big truck to pick up at the furniture. We had the furniture all stacked up on pallets under a large tarp. While Roi, my partner, and I uncovered the treasure, I asked her how it came she lost all her belongings in the fire. She said that this was the third fire she had experienced in the last three years and every time she lost all her stuff. She had no insurance either.
I am not very good at holding my tongue when I get an urge to speak. I blurted out, “Isn’t it time you quit having fires. Haven’t you learned all you need to learn from this experience? Just let it go! You can have a good life! You don’t have to keep having the same experience over and over!” She was so shocked to be talked to like that that she had nothing to say. She must have been spell-bound at the idea that she could control her life. She made a surprised looking face, but said nothing.
She kept looking at me strangely several times as she took the whole pile of furniture except one broken item which we tossed in the dumpster. She seemed to want to ask me more, but would start to speak and then shrug her shoulders. I know she will never forget the experience and neither will I.
Something “came over me” and put those words in my mouth. It was like I was channeling a message for Marybeth. I’m usually not very forward around strangers. I felt the air thick with higher source energy. I was used by this higher presence to deliver a message to the three-times fire lady. I noticed my energy high and I was spaced out all that afternoon.
I just recently checked on her and she has never had another fire and that has been over ten years ago. Were her fires an accident or the result of a fear drawing the same fire experience over and over to her? Or karma? I believe, “What we resist (or fear) persists. And there is no such thing as an accident.”
Sometimes we need a little extra help in getting rid of repeating negative patterns. This is one of the life experiences that lead us to develop Cosmic Energetic Healing (CEH) where negative habits and patterns are released and healed. A new positive affirmation is installed in an energy matrix. We’ve found the new habit takes place immediately with these techniques. You can learn to heal relationships, illnesses, pain (even chronic pain), emotional problems, lack of money, bad habits, and even karma with these Laser Reiki and Cosmic Energetic Healing methods.